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Guilt I ?
a longdurational&interactive&Activist&Utopia&Sound&Mover&Performance&Installation About: Within this activist Performance I deal with my...

"Path - Finding - Travel"
Research in Prishtina and South Africa - A long-term Project from July 2021 to March 2023 “Path Finding Travel” is a multi-level research...

Grün Unterwegs - Green Travel
Project Data (Details) On The “grün Unterwegs" Tour My "Grün Unterwegs" tour was a research & a performance trip from Istanbul to Greece...

The (Recycling) Ball
A Performance of Sustainability Action "The (Recycling) Ball" takes up a current social reality in Prishtina, Kosovo, and the world. It...

in Prishtina (Kosovo)
Projects: Sounding Architecture - Mikro Makro - Sounds of Prishtina I stayed in Prishtina between July and October 2021. During this time...

Our Analogue Me
Unser analoges Ich - Our analogue Me - Bizim analog Benliğim. A Space - Sound - Performance - Compatible with COVID regulations. “Our...

Sounds of Corona
“Sounds of Corona” - A Video Performance project with Film Theorists & Makers from Istanbul. A text - written during the 2020 Pandemic...

Anabala Pasajı Series
Anabala Pasajı Series takes place in a passage in Beyoglu, Istanbul. The basic concept for the four videos was to move in circles. By the...

“Spazierklänge” translated something like “Sounds of Walking” is an ongoing Recherché and Essay-Writing Project together with Philosopher...

Lockdown Series
During the Covid lockdown in April 2020, I went on long walks with my friend & colleague Philosopher Volker Kühl. It was a time when...

Der "transformierende" Raum
“Transforming Space” - A Performance Series that started in the St. Gertrud Church in Cologne. The room as a tonal-musical entity is the...
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